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- Vibrant Descontos | Vibrant Health Academy
Vibrant Points Earn points and turn them into rewards Become a Member 01 Sign Up Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program 02 Earn Points Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders. 03 Redeem Rewards Redeem points for various discounts. Program tiers Reach new tiers as you earn more points. Nível 1 0 total earned points required Earn Points Cada € gasto Get 1 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Comprar um plano Get 1 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Comentário no blog. Get 1 Vibrant Stars Conclua um programa Get 25 Vibrant Stars Comprar ingresso Get 1 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Redeem Rewards Vale de desconto 300 Vibrant Stars = € 10 off orders over € 20 20 % de Desconto 500 Vibrant Stars = 20% off orders over € 20 Use os seus pontos 200 Vibrant Stars = € 5 discount Nível 2 1.000 total earned points required Earn Points Cada € gasto Get 2 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Comprar um plano Get 2 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Comentário no blog. Get 2 Vibrant Stars Conclua um programa Get 35 Vibrant Stars Comprar ingresso Get 2 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Redeem Rewards Vale de desconto 300 Vibrant Stars = € 15 off orders over € 20 20 % de Desconto 300 Vibrant Stars = 20% off orders over € 20 Use os seus pontos 100 Vibrant Stars = € 5 discount Nível 3 1.500 total earned points required Earn Points Cada € gasto Get 3 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Comprar um plano Get 3 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Comentário no blog. Get 3 Vibrant Stars Conclua um programa Get 50 Vibrant Stars Comprar ingresso Get 3 Vibrant Stars for every € 1 spent Redeem Rewards Vale de desconto 300 Vibrant Stars = € 20 off orders over € 20 20 % de Desconto 200 Vibrant Stars = 20% off orders over € 20 Use os seus pontos 50 Vibrant Stars = € 5 discount
- Fórum | Vibrant Health Academy
To test this feature, visit your live site. All Posts Categories My Posts Fórum Bem-vindo. Conheça o fórum e junte-se às discussões. Sort by: Recent Activity Follow All Categories Create New Post Ana Campos Bem-vindo ao fórum in Discussões gerais Compartilhe seus pensamentos. Sinta-se à vontade para adicionar GIFs, vídeos, #hashtags e mais aos seus posts e comentários. Comece comentando abaixo. #hashtags 0 comments 0 Jul 15, 2023 Like 0 comments Comment Ana Campos Regras do fórum in Discussões gerais Queremos que todos desfrutem dessa comunidade. Por isso pedimos que você leia e siga essas diretrizes: • Respeite os outros • Escreva posts relevantes ao tópico do fórum • Não envie spam 0 comments 0 Jul 15, 2023 Like 0 comments Comment Ana Campos Apresente-se in Discussões gerais Gostaríamos de te conhecer melhor. Diga oi para a comunidade nos comentários. 0 comments 0 Jul 15, 2023 Like 0 comments Comment Forum - Frameless Strength Training vs Mobility Training 13 hours ago
- About | Vibrant Health Academy
About O Início Como nasceu a vibrant health academy "Ao longo da minha vida, andei em busca de ferramentas para curar o meu corpo, trazer calma à minha mente e viver em paz. Ao longo deste percurso foi crescendo dentro de mim uma tremenda vontade de viver e de me amar. Respeitarmo-nos e vibrar de uma forma saudável é um dos grandes desafios dos dias de hoje. Assim nasceu o nosso conceito, a Vibrant Health Academy, com o objectivo de te ajudar a viver e alcançar todo o potencial adormecido dentro de ti. Com uma metodologia inovadora, holística, profunda e dinâmica, na nossa casa viverás experiências únicas, marcantes, desafiantes e libertadoras. Neste processo de transformação, o teu antigo EU fica para trás, e começas a abraçar a pessoa vibrante que és. " live your potential Ana has a degree in: Master’s and Bachelor's degrees in Sport Sciences (UBI); Level 2 Bask etball Trainer; (FPB); Personal Trainer Certificate; (HPA); Art of Swimming instructor; (HPA) Instructor of Matwork Pilates 1-2 , Clinical Pilates; Small and Large Pilates Equipment; (HPA) Myofascial Release Certificate; (HPA) Advanced Nutrition Certificate; (IPF); Stick Mobility Coach Certificate (SM); Footwork Certificate; (USA) Vibrant Health Academy Founder & CEO “A Ana, fundadora da Vibrant Health Academy, é força e delicadeza. Conhecimento técnico e intuição apurada. Organização pormenorizada…e coração cheio. O trabalho da Ana é dos mais transformadores e completos que eu conheço. Trabalha a nível da cura física, recuperação e optimização da saúde do corpo, encontrando os caminhos certos para o corpo se recuperar e alinhar. Sempre dedicada à investigação e ao aprofundamento do seu conhecimento, criou um método único de recuperação física integral, que alia pilates clínico, treino funcional, trabalho específico de pés, postura, mobility sticks, recuperação muscular, e recuperação de diversas lesões. Um trabalho extraordinário e inovador, que só poderia ser fruto de uma grande dedicação e profissionalismo de uma pessoa verdadeiramente extraordinária. Obrigada por todas as centenas de pessoas que já ajudaste.. e que vais ainda ajudar.” live your potential Vibrant Health Academy Co-founder & Co-CEO Throughout my life I've been looking for tools to heal my body, calm my mind and live in peace. Along this path, a tremendous desire to live and love myself grew within me. Respecting ourselves and vibrating in a healthy way is one of the great challenges of today. That's how Vibrant Health was born, with the aim of helping you live and reach all the potential that lies dormant within you. With an innovative, holistic, profound and dynamic methodology, in our house you will live unique, striking, challenging and liberating experiences. In this transformation process, your old self is left behind, and you begin to embrace the vibrant person that you are. Mãe Catita A Joana é formada em: Family-Lab Seminar Leader and Family Coaching Education (Sweden); Bodynamic Foundation - Somatic Developmental Psychology; Attachment, Connectedness & Contact (Ditte Marcher, Bodynamic); Conflict mediation in pre-school and first grade children; Nonviolent communication (NVC do Marshall Rosenberg) Centro Upaya; Emotions in Movement (Ditte Marcher, Bodynamic); Mindfulness (MBSR/MBCT) Centro Upaya; Conscious Parenting Life Training/EAPPT AdPc; The Science of Happiness” Berkeley University of California /Edx; Coaching Life Training/EAPPT; Focusing (Centro Upaya). Body & Mind Ana Campos CEO, Fundadora e Terapeuta Personal Trainer (corpo e mente) | Perda de Peso | Ganho de Massa Magra | Alta competição | Recuperação de Lesões | Alta Performance Física e Mental | Desenvolvimento Profissional (Ajudar a potenciar os seus negócios) Saber Mais Restart emocional e energético Aqui vais encontrar 11 experiências únicas para reiniciar a tua vida. Passo a passo, serás guiado de uma forma gentil e poderosa, a trazer mudança e consciência, a diferentes aspectos que precisam de realinhamento e transformação. Uma exploração, ao teu ritmo, das tuas várias dimensões, que vai certamente enriquecer a tua vida. Pront@ para uma experiência vibrante imperdível? Restart Emocional e Energético Saber Mais Começar Vibrant Terapeutas Energy & Parenting Joana Laranjeiro Mãe Catita Equilíbrio Energético | Desenvolvimento integrativo | Parentalidade Consciente | Alinhamento Familiar | Reequilíbrio Pós Stress | Ansiedade ou Burnout | Alinhamento Emocional, Físico e Mental | Meditação Saber Mais Nutrition Joana Moura Jocooking Nutrição Funcional e Personalizada | Autora de Livros de Alimentação | Dicas Alimentares | Alimentação fora da caixa Saber Mais Energy & Criativity Patrícia Fazenda TEULU Numerologia | Criação de Macramé e Artes Manuais | Workshops criativos | Sessões de Desenvolvimento Pessoal | Saber Mais
- Sessões Joana Laranjeiro | Vibrant Health Academy
live your potential Discover the vibrant energy of these deep and transformative sessions Throughout my life I've been looking for tools to heal my body, calm my mind and live in peace. Along this path, a tremendous desire to live and love myself grew within me. Respecting ourselves and vibrating in a healthy way is one of the great challenges of today. That's how Vibrant Health was born, with the aim of helping you live and reach all the potential that lies dormant within you. With an innovative, holistic, profound and dynamic methodology, in our house you will live unique, striking, challenging and liberating experiences. In this transformation process, your old self is left behind, and you begin to embrace the vibrant person that you are. USEFULL INFORMATION Learn more about this Bio-energetic work Session time: 60 minutes Session mode: In person or online; Value of sessions in Portugal: 1st session value: 65€ (VAT included) Next sessions value: 55€ (VAT included) International sessions value: Please enquire. To schedule a session or find out the prices, you can get in touch via the following channels: Costumer Reviews "When I met Joaninha I found myself living my life in automatic mode, apathetic, in a dark period with little meaning. She saw me as I am and gave me her hand. I can't explain the magic and connection I created from the first moment I met her, and how my life and my heart have expanded in an incredible way since I started doing energy work with her. Anyone who knows her knows the feeling and what I'm talking about. Joana makes us feel strong, empowers the feminine universe, and helps us realize that 'it's okay' to be ourselves and that we should be kind to ourselves. I can't put into words the love and affection I feel for her and I'm extremely grateful to have her in my life. Thank you Joaninha " - Inês - "Joana is light, surrender, power and understanding. Joana's sessions are a detox for the soul and spirit. She connects us with our spiritual self, helping us to gain insight into our purpose, fears and qualities. Joana is special and I'm grateful that she's part of my life." - Rita - “I started doing energetic work with Joana three years ago, following conventional therapy that was primarily focused on the mind. Her work brought a completely new, deeper consciousness on the impact that thoughts and experiences have on the physical body, how the energy of thoughts and feelings can become stuck and impact on present experiences. Joana’s work created the space within my body to realign my energy and for me to direct it more consciously. The sessions were sometimes exhilarating, and other times harder. But her caring attitude and wise words meant that after every session I was able to look at issues in a more loving way and now I feel lighter and tranquil within myself.” - Gus - "Each session with Joana allows us to refocus on what is truly important and essential: us, our goals and our path to happiness. At the same time, it's a relaxing moment of self-care and self-love. I highly recommend it!" - Joana - "This therapy is an opportunity to dive inside ourselves and enjoy Joana's wonderful work in moving us forward on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. It's hard to describe how wonderful you feel during and after therapy. When you want to understand yourself, this therapy becomes part of your list of essentials." - Susana - "What can I say about Joana's work: thank you!!! She does a fantastic job, which has changed my life a lot in almost 2 years with her. With her work I've become a much better person, and every day I feel more and more aware of my body!!! Often when I go in for a session I'm totally out of my mind, and I come out of it feeling great!!! Thank you so much Joana" - Flávia -
- Sobre Nós | Vibrant Health Academy
Quem Somos A Vibrant Health Academy é uma academia holística que desenvolve: Sessões, Workshops, programas, aulas, palestras, conferências, eventos na área do bem-estar físico, mental, emocional e desenvolvimento pessoal. O nosso propósito é ajudá-lo a viver com mais vitalidade, paz, energia e alinhamento. A nossa Equipa Os Nossos Serviços Enviar Mensagem Quem Somos Onde Estamos Onde Estamos Rua Mário Castrim, nº5A 1750-312 Lisboa Entre em Contacto Entre em Contacto Telemóvel: +351 912876273 (custo de uma chamada nacional) E-mail: Enviar Mensagem
- Landing page de indicações | Vibrant Health Academy
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- Vibrant Classes | Vibrant Health Academy
unlock your health and potential A space where you strengthen yourself in various dimensions. A vibrant approach to life. Learn more Imagine that you can vibrate every dimensions of your being. Imagine now that you can be more aligned with every different parts of your being 1º Passo: Download the App Sign up 2º Passo: 3º Passo: Choose Program 4º Passo: Buy Program Collect Points 5º Passo: Vibrate a lot!!! STEP ONE: DOWNLOAD THE APP Download Go to the apple store or google play store on your devices and search for Vibrant Health Academy in the search bar. Install. Note: You don't have to pay any mone y to install or use our app. Access link to mac or pc Access the App site on your mac ou pc . Click here to go to the app's website. Note: You don't have to pay any money to access the app's website. STEP 2: APP SIGN UP Sign-up at smartphones, ipad or tablets. Press Sign Up . Insert an e-mail and choose a password to our Vibrant App. Note: You don't have to pay any money to access the app's website. Sign-up para mac ou pc. Press login on your Mac or pc and then press sign up . Click here to sign up. Insert an e-mail and choose a password to our Vibrant App. Note: You don't have to pay any money to access the app's website. STEP 3: CHOOSE A PROGRAM Choose courses, programs or contents that most resonate with you. Go to our Vibrant Shop and choose the content that makes the most sense to you. If you have any que stions about a program or course, or if you're undecided between any of them, send us an email and we'll help you. Contacts Vibrant Shop STEP 4: BUY A PROGRAM Make payment for the product you want to buy. After choosing the program, click on add to cart, then click on your shopping cart to go to the checkout page. Now all you have to do is enter your details and make your purchase. Our website is secure. Your program will be available in the APP at "My Courses", as soon as your purchase is completed. Note: You can create compatible cards to pay for courses via MB WAY. If you prefer to pay by MB WAY or bank transfer, please send us an e-mail so that we can arrange payment by these methods. STEP 5: COLLECT POINTS Collect Vibrant Points to get access to Vibrant discounts, coupons or prizes. Vibrate a lot!!
- Parentalidade Consciente | Vibrant Health Academy
MINDFUL PARENTING SESSIONS Sessions that give you unique tools so that you can help your children more and more. The individual sessions for parents of mindful parenting are a personalized process that allows us to bring clarity to parents about the real dynamics present in the family. It allows them to align their true intentions with strategies that help your children grow with you: Healthy self esteem; Positive inner voice; Emotional self-regulation; Accountability; Selfmotivation; Empathy; Critical thinking; Healthy limits; Improve Mindset; In other words, a strong internal structure that supports them while they develop their unique potential. Mindful parents broaden their awareness of different situations, gain new practical tools, and create creative responses that replace momentary reactions fueled by internal triggers. By regaining the steering wheel of their parenting, they then become the example of the qualities and abilities they want to see grow in their children. VIBRANT SESSIONS Session time: 60 minutes Session mode: In person or Online 1st session value: 70€ (VAT included) Next sessions value: 60 € (VAT included) To schedule a session or find out more, get in touch via the following channels: Costumer Reviews "Joana Laranjeiro's (Mãe Catita) work is full of information, with very interesting exercises to start absorbing this information and full of practical strategies to transform the daily challenges of parenting into moments of building and strengthening the parent-child bond. I highly recommend it!" - Ana Isabel - "Learning about this work changed my life. The aim was to grow as a mother, to understand my children and to have a better dialogue with them. Surprisingly, I discovered myself. I also realized how I am as a "daughter". As a friend. As a woman." - Filipa - "When I talk about Joana to my friends, which is often the case, I call her "the Bible of emotions". Curious and fun by nature, with an unparalleled passion for learning and teaching, Joana is one of those people you want to have around in your life. In her energy balancing sessions, Joana creates a safe space for us to express ourselves, clarify and re-energize. We are guided to understand what is going on inside us and, with our own understanding, to transform it. That's why these sessions have such a positive and lasting impact :) I recently took part in a Mãe Catita workshop on self-esteem and, although I signed up with the sole aim of strengthening my nephews' development, I came away knowing myself better and with a completely invigorated self-esteem! I could write a book with the admiration I have for Joana. I'll stop here today." - Mafalda - "A fantastic person with commitment, dedication, talent and love of work and of being human. Mom Catita helped me to overcome and see the world covered in colors, everything is so much easier and livelier with her strength and help! The language and messages are very clear and immediate (I love the examples) beautiful! Thank you so much my rainbow!" - Patrícia -
- About | Vibrant Health Academy
About O Início Como nasceu a vibrant health academy "Ao longo da minha vida, andei em busca de ferramentas para curar o meu corpo, trazer calma à minha mente e viver em paz. Ao longo deste percurso foi crescendo dentro de mim uma tremenda vontade de viver e de me amar. Respeitarmo-nos e vibrar de uma forma saudável é um dos grandes desafios dos dias de hoje. Assim nasceu o nosso conceito, a Vibrant Health Academy, com o objectivo de te ajudar a viver e alcançar todo o potencial adormecido dentro de ti. Com uma metodologia inovadora, holística, profunda e dinâmica, na nossa casa viverás experiências únicas, marcantes, desafiantes e libertadoras. Neste processo de transformação, o teu antigo EU fica para trás, e começas a abraçar a pessoa vibrante que és. " CEO, Fundadora e Terapeuta Ana Campos Body & Mind Personal Trainer | Perda de Peso | Ganho de Massa Magra | Alta competição | Recuperação de Lesões | Alta Performance Física e Mental | Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Profissional Saber Mais CO-Fundadora e Terapeuta Joana Laranjeiro Energy & Parenting Equilíbrio Energético | Desenvolvimento integrativo | Parentalidade Consciente | Alinhamento Familiar | Reequilíbrio Pós Stress | Ansiedade & Burnout | Alinhamento Emocional, Físico e Mental | Meditação Saber Mais A equipa Vibrant Terapeutas Nutrition Joana Moura Jocooking Nutrição Funcional e Personalizada | Autora de Livros de Alimentação | Dicas Alimentares | Alimentação fora da caixa Saber Mais Energy & Criativity Patrícia Fazenda TEULU Numerologia | Criação de Macramé e Artes Manuais | Workshops criativos | Sessões de Desenvolvimento Pessoal | Saber Mais